Friday, 6 September 2013

London Centre for Spirituality Autumn programme

Details of events at the London Centre for Spirituality

 Support in Spiritual Direction

Developing Direction

One Friday per month, 11am - 4pm       Sessions are £40 each

These popular sessions are now bookable individually. Click on the event details below for more information and to book.

4 October 2013 - Anne Coleman - Abiding and Abounding
Exploring the formation of ordinands through the lens of spiritual direction

God’s forgiveness and human forgiveness - enigmatic and open-ended

Opening our hearts to a more creative relationship with conflict

Re-orienting our heart and mind toward the source of life within

Models and stages on the spiritual journey.

Psychological and spiritual aspects related to real-life spiritual direction

Booking is currently open for the first six sessions. Further sessions will be added so watch our booking site or ask us to inform you by clicking the button below.
Of course the whole course of 8 sessions is still available to book, too.
I'd like to be updated when further events are bookable
Whole course available to book until 4 October 2013
Supervision Groups
There are a few places remaining in our Supervision Groups for the academic year 2013-14. Each group meets 9 times per year (3 times per term) for 2 hours and the cost is £25 per session. Contact Catherine Chapman by clicking the button below for more information.
Supervision Groups Enquiry

New Christian Thinking
at St Ethelburga's this Autumn

 News from our partner organisation
click on the event details for more information


Beyond Honest to God
Saturday 5 October: A day conference examining trends in Christian thinking and practice since the publication of John Robinson's ground-breaking book.

Entering Divine Life
Saturday 12 October:  Claire Henderson Davis leads a powerful short retreat on the naming of God.

Reinvigorating Music in Christian Worship
Saturday 26 October:  A come-and-sing workshop exploring what we might learn from the music of other faith traditions, led by Rosie Parker

We have a monthly Holy Communion, the next on Wednesday 18 September 6.00pm, with a beautiful liturgy from Iona

New Resources

A new MA in Reconciliation informed by St Ethelburga's work starts at the University of Winchester. You can join the course now or in January 2014.

You can now watch the fascinating conversation between
Rowan Williams and Michael Lapsley.

One-day workshops

There are still places available for the workshops listed below. Held from
11am-4pm, each workshop costs £30. More information is available as well as online booking by clicking on the event button.
20 September -- Pádraig Ó Tuama : The Theology of Welcome
28 September -- Gethin Abraham-Williams : Seeing the Good in Unfamiliar Spiritualities
12 October -- Debbie Thrower : Spirituality and Ageing
19 October -- June Boyce-Tillman : Musiking the Mystery

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Exploration of Prayer at Halstead Church

“Lord, teach us to pray!”
An adventure in knowing God

There is so much more to prayer than many people realise. A team from the Diocese is will be leading an exploration of Christianity’s rich heritage.  Monthly evening meetings will be held at St. Margaret’s, Halstead at 7.30-9.30pm on Tuesdays, 24th September, 22nd October and 26th November.

24th September: “”Teach us to pray”
Introduction and overview. Knowing God in prayer. The teaching of Jesus.

22nd October: “Listening to God”
Meditation and contemplation, using the Bible and other well tried methods

26th November: “Speaking to God”
Responding to God; intercession; praying in Church.

This introduction course is open and accessible to everyone.

More details : Revd. John Benson 01959 532133 or .