Monday, 5 May 2014

Godly Play Facebook page

We now have a Facebook Group for Kent based people who are interested in or offering Godly Play. It has been set up through the Children & Youth Depts of Canterbury and Rochester Dioceses.

Godly Play is not just a tool for for children’s storytelling and wondering, but a tool for reflecting and exploring to deepen spiritual experience for adults too. It has inspired me re ideas for resources for prayer spaces and quiet days too.

There is an official Godly Play UK network group on Facebook too.

The Group is called ‘ Godly Play Kent Dioceses Network’

Claire Wells

Ignatian spirituality group

2nd & 4th Thursdays in the month
8-9.30pm in Hayes (near Bromley)
The group uses reflections, journaling exercises and meditations to explore how our faith connects with our everyday life.
Each meeting includes some sharing time where each person can share their thoughts with the group (if they wish to).
The group is open to people from any church background (or none).

 For more details contact David (, 020 8249 7188).