Wednesday, 22 June 2016

News from the London Spirituality Centre

Next week is the last Developing Direction of the 2015/2016 programme.  It promises to be a thought provoking and reflective day with Antonia Lynn so if you haven't booked your place yet, you might wish to do so today.  You can read more and find a link to book your place below.

If you happen to be in the City of London on a Wednesday morning, you are very welcome to drop in for Morning Prayer which runs from 9:15 - 9:45 (followed by coffee).  All the staff at the Centre & Bishop Ric's team come together to pray together and we very much welcome others to join us.

Anyone who is interested in joining one of the Centre's many supervision groups for spiritual directors, please contact Catherine to register your interest.

We have a number of short courses happening in the autumn including: One plus One: A Course for Couples, Exploring Christian Spirituality, (re) Connecting with God and Deepening Direction.  Go to our What's On page to find out more and book your place.

And finally, from Monday 1st August to Friday 2nd September (inclusive), the Centre will be closed to the public but rooms will still be available for hire.   We will reopen on Monday 5th September.  

Developing Direction - Missing the Cucumbers 
1st July 2016, 11 - 4pm, Cost: £45
led by Antonia Lynn

‘We remember the fish we used to eat in Egypt for nothing, the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic…’ Numbers 11:5

Transition - what happens within us when we experience change - is a journey which can lead to transformation and growth, but has many pitfalls along the way. The process of changing churches is one which resonates deep within the soul: following an often long and painful discernment, such a ‘conversion’ can be an occasion of great joy, but sometimes we are unprepared for the grief which comes with it. This is a day for exploring the labyrinth path from belonging to belonging again, drawing on our own experiences of transition to learn how, as spiritual directors, we might become more sensitive companions to those who have ended one relationship with a worshiping community and are beginning another.  Read more and book

And a reminder that giving to the Centre is effortless - and free - if you route your online shopping through easyfundraising. 

The Church of St Edmund, the home to the Spirituality Centre is open from Monday to Friday from 10.00am to 3.00pm offering a peaceful and contemplative resource.

There are quiet areas for reading and prayer. Fresh coffee is available for a small donation.

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