Wednesday, 28 February 2018

St Peter and St Paul, Seal: Coming to our senses - Week Two - Hearing

St Peter and St Paul, Seal: Coming to our senses - Week Two - Hearing: Wednesday – Other people How often do we really listen to other people? ·          Try to be more aware today of those who are talk...

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

St Peter and St Paul, Seal: Coming to our senses - Week Two - Hearing

St Peter and St Paul, Seal: Coming to our senses - Week Two - Hearing: Tuesday – Home Sit in your home   ·          What does it sound like? Is it noisy or quiet? Which do you prefer?  ·          How d...

Monday, 26 February 2018

St Peter and St Paul, Seal: Coming to our senses - Week Two - Hearing

St Peter and St Paul, Seal: Coming to our senses - Week Two - Hearing: Monday – Nature As last week, go for a walk or sit outside. ·          What can you hear? ·          What can you tell about th...

Friday, 23 February 2018

St Peter and St Paul, Seal: Coming to our senses - Week One - Sight

St Peter and St Paul, Seal: Coming to our senses - Week One - Sight: Friday – In the Bible          Read Luke 19.1-10 Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through it. A man was there named Zacchaeus; he ...

Thursday, 22 February 2018

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

St Peter and St Paul, Seal: Coming to our senses - Week One - Sight

St Peter and St Paul, Seal: Coming to our senses - Week One - Sight: Spend some time today people watching, and look more carefully at the people you meet (without staring, obviously – that would probably cre...

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Prayer events in Rochester Diocese

19 March 9:30am-1:00pm Diocese of Rochester at St George’s Weald
Space for God with Susanne Carlsson and team
Prayer lies at the heart of the church and our lives and the Christian tradition offers a treasure of different ways of exploring prayer. ‘Pray as you can, not as you cannot’. This session will help you explore silence and how to use it for prayer. There will be some input and time to explore silence together.
To book: 
Open to: All
7 July 9:30am-1:00pm Diocese of Rochester at St Benedicts Centre
Space to pray the Bible with Susanne Carlsson and the team
Prayer lies at the heart of the church and our lives and the Christian tradition offers a treasure of different ways of exploring prayer. ‘Pray as you can, not as you cannot’. This session will help you explore how to pray with the Bible. There will be some input and time to pray with the Bible.
To book
Open to: All
 3 November 9:30am-1:00pm Diocese of Rochester at Christ Church Orpington
Space for God in my day with Susanne Carlsson and team
Prayer lies at the heart of the church and our lives and the Christian tradition offers a treasure of different ways of exploring prayer. ‘Pray as you can, not as you cannot’. This session will help you explore how to reflect on your day using the Ignatian Review of the Day, Examen. There will be some input about the Examen and time to practice how to reflect on your day.
To book:
Open to: All