Monday, 8 October 2018

Child in the Midst newsletter - Children's spirituality

The Christmas Story is often sanitised. In Jesus was a Refugee, Andrew McDonough movingly tells the story of the flight to Egypt and reminds us that Jesus' early years were not easy. It will be available to download as a PowerPoint from Lost Sheep.
The author will be artist in residence and one of the speakers at The Conversation in December.
This is a book for revolutionaries and activists who want to engage in new visions of how we partner with children and young people to live out faith and join with God in the healing of the world. With contributions from Dave Csinos, Marcia Bunge, Brian McLaren, Ivy Beckwith and Almeida M Wright.
Faith Forward 3
This is a beautifully inclusive celebration of baptism. Written by an episcopal priest, it unfolds the theology of baptism and the start of the amazing journey of faith.
Today is a baptism day
With short, practical chapters, this book offers parents and carers stories and encouragement to help nurture faith in their children. Spiritual development and growth,prayer, Bible, worship, and faith at home are just some of the subjects covered. It would be a good gift for baptism families or godparents.
Raising Faith

Rejoice in the presence of children and young people in your meeting and recognise the gifts they bring. Remember that the meeting as a whole shares a responsibility for each child in its care. Seek for them as for yourself a full development of God's gifts and the abundant life Jesus tells us can be ours.
  • How do you share your deepest beliefs with them, while leaving them free to develop as the spirit of God may lead them?
  • Do you invite them to share their insights with you?
  • Are you ready to both learn from them and to accept your responsibilities towards them?
Advices and Queries, The Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)

Is child development spiritually empty?

Amanda Morgan argues for the importance of spiritual development whether a child is in a religious setting or not.

Girls Attitudes

Girl Guiding has just published its 10th survey of girls speaking out on the issues that are important to them. Have a read to see how things have changed over these 10 years.

Engage Worship

Engage Worship's Area52 continues to provide a great selection of resources which engage all the senses with all ages in worship.

Christingle Time

This year sees the 50th anniversary of the Children's Society celebrating Christingle. There are plenty of free downloads on their website to help you plan your service this year. Check out the second page of their Christingle Shop.

Welcoming Children

Miranda Threlfall-Holmes reflects on her experience of church as a child and what churches might learn about welcoming children.

Welcoming Toddlers

Church based Toddler Groups can provide a great welcome for children and their families. Have a look at the story of one group in Manchester.

Growing intergenerational worship

CTM Resources in Australia has created an excellent toolkit to help churches bring the generations together in worship.

Prayer Spaces in Schools

Prayer Spaces in Schools reached its 10th birthday last year and commissioned research to discover the impact that having a Prayer Space made on pupils. You can read the summary here or the full report.
The end of October and beginning of November form a season of remembrance. This year in particular, as we remember the end of the First World War, these sites may be of use:
* Godly Play UK offers a Godly Play style story for Remembrance
* Church Support Hub has a number of resources around remembrance
* Remembrance resources from Engage Worship
* Additional links on the Going for Growth website


Give Away!

Yet another gem from Sandy Eisenberg-Sasso exploring the power and use of language. I ordered 2 copies by mistake, so I've got one to give away (UK readers only - sorry).
Just tell me which book(s) have had the biggest influence on your ministry with and among children, and what impact they made and it could be yours. Get writing to me here.
Closing date: 19th October 2018

Dates for your Diary

There are a bunch of events listed on Going for Growth, alongside these.

17/18 October Families and Faith after Baptism 24 hours exploring how to encourage families on a journey of faith

7/8 December The Conversation Reimagining ministry with and among children and young people

11/12 December Together with Children 24 hours exploring theology, ministry, mission and praxis with children

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